azure免费一个月_将Windows Azure提升到一个新的水平
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In my I showed you how easy it is to set up a simple HTML site or Magento web store on Windows Azure. Now it’s time to take it a step further, since these examples only touched the a minor part of the Windows Azure feature set. I will now show you how to set up:

在我向您展示了在Windows Azure上设置简单HTML网站或Magento Web商店是多么容易。 现在该采取进一步的措施了,因为这些示例仅涉及Windows Azure功能集的一小部分。 现在,我将向您展示如何设置:

  • Traffic management: Distribute your traffic to multiple locations – useful for load balancing, geographical distribution and failover.

    流量管理 :将流量分配到多个位置–对于负载平衡,地理分布和故障转移很有用。

  • Monitoring: Use different type of monitors to keep an eye on performance, uptime and availability.

    监视 :使用不同类型的监视器来监视性能,正常运行时间和可用性。

Also, I will shine a light on a few of the other interesting features Windows Azure offers.

此外,我还将介绍Windows Azure提供的其他一些有趣功能。

交通管理 (Traffic management)

To describe that the Windows Azure traffic manager is capable of, I can best make use of their own introduction to the product:

为了描述Windows Azure流量管理器具有的功能,我最好使用他们自己的产品介绍:

“Use Traffic Manager as part of your overall networking solution – Traffic Manager applies an intelligent policy engine to the DNS queries on your domain names so that you can send traffic to the best data center for performance, business continuity, price, compliance, legal, or tax purposes.”


Simply said, it’s a very advanced way of distributing your content based on the metrics you find important or are required to use. I will focus on the performance and continuity aspect. So let’s see how this works out.

简而言之,这是根据您认为重要或需要使用的指标来分发内容的一种非常先进的方法。 我将专注于性能和连续性方面。 因此,让我们看看这是如何实现的。


Traffic Manager has very little in the way of settings to start with, just a DNS prefix (I will be using my Magento demo again), and a load balancing method. Your options are:

Traffic Manager的设置方式很少,只有DNS前缀(我将再次使用Magento演示)和负载平衡方法。 您的选择是:

  • Performance: Distribution based on server closest to the visitor.

    性能 :根据最接近访客的服务器进行分配。

  • Round Robin: Load balancing, where you set up multiple identical servers to which the traffic is distributed evenly.

    循环 :负载平衡,在其中设置多个相同的服务器,流量均匀分配到这些服务器。

  • Failover: This is used for backup purposes, where you keep an identical copy in case your primary server(s) goes down.

    故障转移 :这用于备份目的,如果主服务器出现故障,您可以保留相同的副本。

For this tutorial I will go with “Round Robin”, but the methods of setting up are much the same with the two other options. I want to see how easy it is to set up load balancing with Windows Azure.

在本教程中,我将使用“ Round Robin”,但是设置方法与其他两个选项基本相同。 我想看看使用Windows Azure设置负载平衡有多么容易。


You begin by adding “Endpoints”, which are virtual machines you created. For this tutorial I added two more Magento demo servers, based on the image from my .

首先添加“端点”,即创建的虚拟机。 在本教程中,我根据的图像添加了另外两个Magento演示服务器。


Once added, you can see the status of your endpoints. If the lights are green, you only need to configure how they should be handled.

添加后,您可以查看端点的状态。 如果指示灯为绿色,则只需配置如何处理它们。


Actually, you don’t need to change a thing if simple Round Robin is all you need. It is already working with these settings.

实际上,如果只需要简单的Round Robin,就不需要更改任何内容。 它已经在使用这些设置。


And, if you are not satisfied or want to try something else, you can easily switch. The configuration stays the same, except when you choose for failover in which case you can prioritize your servers. This is certainly a very easy way.

而且,如果您不满意或想尝试其他方法,则可以轻松切换。 配置保持不变,除非您选择进行故障转移,在这种情况下,您可以确定服务器的优先级。 这当然是非常简单的方法。

On a side note: I haven’t been able to find in the dashboard how you can distribute traffic based on a specific type of visitors, even though Microsoft states you can send traffic based on tax purposes for example. This configuration leaves much to the underlying engine itself. But, there is an extensive REST API reference for if you want to go really hardcore.

附带说明:我无法在仪表板中找到如何根据特定类型的访问者来分配流量,即使Microsoft声明您可以基于税收目的发送流量。 此配置为基础引擎本身留下了很多东西。 但是,如果您想成为真正的核心人物,则有大量的REST API参考。

All in all, I am very impressed with the ease of use to set up this Traffic Manager.


监控方式 (Monitoring)

Each virtual machine you launch comes with a basic set of monitoring options. And you can expand this with some important metrics for uptime and response, and set up alert rules. As with most of the Windows Azure feature set, this is quite easy. I will show you:

您启动的每个虚拟机都带有一组基本的监视选项。 然后,您可以使用一些重要的指标来扩展正常运行时间和响应,并设置警报规则。 与大多数Windows Azure功能集一样,这非常容易。 我给你看:

  • How to set up response time and uptime monitors

  • How to set up an alert rule to have you notified in case of problems


设置显示器 (Setting up monitors)


For each of your virtual machines, you will find a page called “monitor”. Some basic stats (disk read/write, network out/in and CPU%) are already set up. You can extend these with “Uptime” and “Response Time”, which pings your endpoints. This is basically external monitoring, where the other parameters are internally measured.

对于每个虚拟机,您将找到一个名为“监控器”的页面。 一些基本的统计信息(磁盘读/写,网络输出/输入和CPU%)已经设置。 您可以通过“正常运行时间”和“响应时间”来扩展它们,从而对端点执行ping操作。 这基本上是外部监视,其他参数是在内部测量的。


You first need to select up to three locations for the monitors to be located, which you can do by visiting the “Configure” section for your virtual machine.



You can then set these up by clicking “Add metrics” in the bottom bar, choose “Endpoints” and select the desired monitors.



In the monitor screen, you will see an uptime percentage displayed, and when you select the uptime monitor for example, there is (again in the bottom bar) a button called “Metric Details”. Clicking this will result in the screen you see above, with more details about the measurements.

在监视器屏幕中,您将看到显示的正常运行时间百分比,例如,当您选择正常运行时间监视器时,(再次在底部栏中)有一个名为“指标详细信息”的按钮。 单击此选项将显示如上所示的屏幕,其中包含有关测量的更多详细信息。

设置警报规则 (Setting up alert rules)


If you want to get notified in case of any disturbances in your VM’s performance, you can set up alert rules. This is done by clicking “Add Rule” in the bottom bar. You are first shown a popup where you can name and describe your rule.

如果您希望在虚拟机性能受到任何干扰时得到通知,则可以设置警报规则。 通过单击底部栏中的“添加规则”来完成此操作。 首先会显示一个弹出窗口,您可以在其中命名和描述规则。


The next screen is more important, since this is where you define the condition for which you want to receive an email. In this case I want to be notified when my server reaches 99.5% uptime in the last 10 minutes, over a course of the last 15 minutes.

下一个屏幕更为重要,因为在这里您可以定义要接收电子邮件的条件。 在这种情况下,我希望在过去15分钟内服务器在最近10分钟内达到99.5%正常运行时间时得到通知。

All of this is very basic of course, and relies on manual actions performed by the administrator based on alert rule email. This isn’t very advanced, but for this you will find the REST API to be very useful. You can .

当然,所有这些都是非常基本的,并且依赖于管理员基于警报规则电子邮件执行的手动操作。 这不是很高级,但是为此您会发现REST API非常有用。 您可以 。


And since Windows Azure is all about the graphs, you downtime is also displayed graphically along with all the necessary details.

而且由于Windows Azure与图形有关,因此您的停机时间也会以图形方式显示所有必要的详细信息。

然后是这个…… (And then there’s this…)

The Windows Azure feature set is very extensive, and what you are seeing here is just from inside the management portal. There is a whole world hidden behind the API, and Microsoft has it very well documented so you can make good use of it. But when looking at the management portal, there are some nice gems as well.

Windows Azure功能集非常广泛,您在这里看到的只是来自管理门户的内部。 该API背后隐藏着整个世界,Microsoft对其进行了很好的记录,因此您可以充分利用它。 但是,在查看管理门户时,也有一些不错的地方。

流动服务 (Mobile services)

Windows Azure offers a full back end for mobile apps for iOS, Android and of course Windows Phone. It allows for database set up, backed processing and extensive monitoring.

Windows Azure为iOS,Android和Windows Phone的移动应用程序提供了完整的后端。 它允许数据库设置,支持的处理和广泛的监视。

HDInsight (HDInsight)

Used for Apache Hadoop data processing, you can select up to 32 nodes for data processing and analyzing.

用于Apache Hadoop数据处理,最多可以选择32个节点进行数据处理和分析。

Windows Azure缓存 (Windows Azure Cache)

Still in preview mode, but this allows for memory based caching which gives you significant performance improvements. You can use this for your websites and apps, and it is maximized at 150 GB, which is, of course, immense.

仍处于预览模式,但这允许基于内存的缓存,从而显着提高了性能。 您可以将其用于您的网站和应用,并且最大可以达到150 GB,这当然是巨大的。

媒体服务 (Media Services)

From encoding to streaming your media content, this is a full blown media server. You can use it for on demand and live streaming, and combine it with a CDN for an improved user loading experience.

从编码到流媒体内容,这都是功能强大的媒体服务器。 您可以将其用于点播和实时流传输,并将其与CDN结合使用以改善用户加载体验。

Visual Studio在线 (Visual Studio Online)

Windows Azure offers deep integration for Visual Studio Online by offering code storage, project management and testing and easy deployment into the cloud.

Windows Azure通过提供代码存储,项目管理和测试以及易于部署到云中,为Visual Studio Online提供了深度集成。

活动目录 (Active Directory)

As another Microsoft product successfully introduced to the cloud, Active Directory (AD) in Windows Azure extends the current local AD installation. This way you can allow the AD users to easily access cloud services or external programs online based on their AD credentials.

作为另一个成功引入云的Microsoft产品,Windows Azure中的Active Directory(AD)扩展了当前的本地AD安装。 这样,您可以允许AD用户基于其AD凭据轻松地在线访问云服务或外部程序。

Windows Azure免费试用 (Windows Azure Free Trial)

As you have probably guessed by now, I was amazed by the features Windows Azure offers. I first thought it was more of a “me-too” product, but after browsing through all of their features I found out it’s way more than that. It all works in a way you expect of Microsoft, and it is offered in a more visual way than Amazon AWS for example.

正如您现在可能已经猜到的那样,Windows Azure提供的功能让我感到惊讶。 我最初认为它更多是“ me-to-to”产品,但是在浏览了所有功能之后,我发现它的作用远不止于此。 所有这些都以您对Microsoft的期望方式工作,并且以比Amazon AWS更直观的方式提供。

What I like most of all is that you are not limited to Microsoft technology. You can build a full LAMP stack with Magento installed on it, without ever being limited by the platform. It is founded and operated by Microsoft, but that’s about it. Of course it’s offering Microsoft’s own products and technologies as well, but that’s complementary.

我最喜欢的是,您不仅限于Microsoft技术。 您可以构建安装了Magento的完整LAMP堆栈,而不受平台的限制。 它是由Microsoft创建和运营的,仅此而已。 当然,它也提供Microsoft自己的产品和技术,但这是互补的。

If you want to try it yourself, Windows Azure offers a 30-day free trial. You can use Christian Leeds’ article to , or to learn how to install Magento or a simple HTML site.

如果您想自己尝试,Windows Azure提供30天的免费试用期。 您可以使用Christian Leeds的文章或来学习如何安装Magento或简单HTML站点。

With all this under your belt, you will be in a prime position to not just enter but win the contest run by SitePoint and Windows Azure. Browse the to see what you’re up against. Entries close December 20.

有了这一切,您将处在首要位置,不仅可以参加,而且还能赢得由SitePoint和Windows Azure举办的竞赛。 浏览的看看您遇到了什么。 报名截止日期为12月20日。




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